Is NBC going to offer sports betting?Although this is not specifically XFL news, it may shed some light into the future of sports gambling, which is one of...
In Episode 6 of the “This is The XFL” Podcast I’ll be talking about what I would do if there was a future XFL Expansion. What locations would I choose?...
Josh Gordon announced that he was leaving the New England Patriots to focus on his mental health yesterday, which has led to a lot of speculation around where he'll end up.Although, I think it's unlikely that we see Josh Gordon suiting up an XF...
XFL CEO and Commissioner Oliver Luck recently sat down with "The Survive and Advance" Podcast to discuss a slew of new details around the upcoming XFL season....
The XFL is returning in spring 2020 and promising to deliver “football reimagined” to the football-starved fan, giving them the sport just about all year ’roun...
In Episode 5 of the "This is The XFL" Podcast I'll be going over the very brief history of the XFL 2001.
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Vince McMahon’s announcement of the XFL’s 2020 revival included a promise that it would be kept separate from WWE and their resources. It was said that the two...
Twitter user @dave_jayhawk tweeted that "credible" sources have told him that Tim Tebow will play for the XFL. has reached out to Tim Tebow to verify...
The Rangers plan to modify Globe Life Park to a football field for the new XFL team. According to Star-Telegram, this is how the stadium will be reconfigured for a standard football field....
In Episode 4 of "This is The XFL Podcast" I’ll be giving a brief lesson on the history of the St. Louis Cardinals and the Rams, leading to the return of foo...